however... God of course had other plans... Moving... Twice
Traveling to 4 continents, ,which was amazing and working my tail off... then retiring.
Funny how things work out.
So needless to say with everything all squeezed in I managed to finish only two quilts...
and I didn't meet my new years resolution either. which was running a 5K, see above for my excuses :D
so next year... make 4 quilts and run a 5K, I will go on record again saying it is my new years resolution, if my husband can run a marathon I can surely run 3 miles... right?
well the last quilt is off to be quilted :D
And now I have a new distraction...
I know, I feel this is cheating too... but I didn't know how else I was going to cut thousands of perfect little hexagons... how those women did it in the 30s is beyond me... but I don't plan to do it by hand... cause then I would probably mess it up...
Here are my first two hexagons. I'm sure this project will take FOREVER, because it is going to be a queen sized Grandmothers flower garden, and I am going to hand sew and hand quilt it all. Now I know you think I'm crazy, I think so too :D but I WILL NOT GIVE THIS ONE AWAY... end of story.
so over the next 30 or so years check back for updates :D