Thursday, October 27, 2011

House Wife Wednesday

Yesterday started out like a typical day, except I was feeling a little tired so I slept in a little, then I got up did a little ironing, washed some curtains and decided to go shopping for the like 5 things on my list. Since one of them was a larger litterbox for Mister.
He decided it was ok to pee on the mat outside of his litter box... for future reference... it is NOT ok.
so I picked that up and dropped off some ice cream for Josh, to celebrate me passing my NC license test! YEY!
Also I picked up an cape for hair cutting, and last night Josh let me cut his hair for the first time.

After some trial and error we got it done

Oops I cut into Josh's Side burn :-/

He then decided since he had to shave his sideburns off, why not shave his entire face...
Keep in mind in the over 9 years we have been together, I have NEVER seen Josh without facial hair... 
What do you think?
I'm getting used to it...

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Well Finally back to quilting. yey!
Yesterday I worked on cutting squares out for my quilt, and the problem was the plaid was straight

but I needed them to be on an angle...

so it took a while... and I only got 20 cut out before I had to eat lunch and get a few other things done.

Then before I went to the grocery store I stopped by a store Teresa suggested, and they have a once a month quilt meeting, so I gave them my e-mail address and they are going to mail me before their next get together, and I talked to the lady that was working in the store, and she was super nice, and said because I dont work during the day that she could teach me stuff during the day for free. How awesome is that???!!!  However all of the fabric there is very expensive ,but its really really pretty...
Thanks Teresa

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

House wife week 2

Staying at home alone all day with no interaction is harder than I thought. I am not sure how people do it all the time, I guess time will tell.
however I did get all of the laundry done in one day this time :D
now today is putting other boxes away and perhaps do a little vacuuming.
Yesterday I finally made it to the Y for a class. I did the body flow, it was a mix of tai Chi, Yoga and Pilates, I did ok in it, but today I only feel a little sore... so that is good. I guess that means off to the gym again today :D and I think today I have a little time for quilting!!! finally!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Miss Michigan

I have been thinking a lot about what I miss about Michigan
so far this is what I have
What I miss about Michigan
1. My family and Friends
2. My job
3. Meijer
4. The speed limit
5. Knowing where I am going
6. Straight and flat roads

Things I don't miss about Michigan
1. Snow/Cold
2. My job

hm....this pro/con list isn't looking so good

House wife monologue days 1 and 2

Well since my last blog, I moved to North Carolina,
and retired from work, and now am a stay at home wife.
which at day 2 could be a little better.
Yesterday I woke up and packed josh breakfast, did like 5 loads of laundry and then I also signed up for the Y. and unpacked a couple of boxes. Then I made dinner, spaghetti. Josh hauled a couple heavy boxes up stairs and then set up the wireless router...
Today I got up ate breakfast with Josh, packed his lunch and got a birthday card from my mother inlaw... thank you :D
I also washed some bedspreads and balanced the check book and finally went grocery shopping, I thought I would check out food lion since it is pretty much right across the street, they had some of the stuff I needed, but also seemed a little high priced... so I am going to gather pricing data (because I have time to do comparisons now) and figure out which store is the best. But since Food lion didnt have everything I need I headed to the Walmart in Belmont...
well I got lost on the way there :( I had to stop and ask for directions ( I know you are thinking, but Lisa you own a GPS, why yes I do but the walmart and my house are both so new they are not in my GPS... time to update maps) so I stop and ask for directions, and the lady was real nice but she goes "Honey, you aren't from around here are you?" what gave it away? the lack of an accent or the michigan license plate?

Well walmart had some more of the stuff I needed, but not all... so after going to two grocery stores... and getting lost I decided to head home and call it a day... I called josh at work to pick up the one thing I needed for dinner tonight, Manacotti noodles... at yet a second walmart... lets hope they have them. Yes each walmart has different stuff because of the demographic in the area. sigh...

tomorrow I guess I'll try out bilo and another walmart