Sunday, December 16, 2012

1 Done

Today I finally finished the one twin quilt, however yesterday I gave up hope of finishing both, because I have to work every day next week, including Saturday.
So yesterday Josh and I bought Courtney a Christmas present, and I will try to get hers done by her Birthday, but its Jan 11th, so not much time, we shall see.
Also while we were out, I found a penny at Toys R Us, so that brings our total up to 3.10.

Here is the display of my finished quilt.
So this is on my queen sized bed... its supposed to be a twin... oops.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Top finished

Oh my goodness!
I finally finished the top to quilt 1, I have been a slacker, but I told Josh, I will be working until midnight until I get both done... so... 6 more hours of quilting... :D

what do you think the binding should be?
perhaps bring in a fabric not in the quilt?? like a plain purple?

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Thats right!
I finally finished the HSTs for the first quilt,
I've been cutting every day what I got done the day before as I go, so I dont have that much more trimming

to do, I hope to finish trimming and at least lay it out tonight on the floor so I can start sewing the top.
17 days left

To do:
1. Finish HSTs
2. Cut HSTs apart
3. Trim HSTs
4. Assemble top
5. Baste
6. Quilt
7. Bind
8. Other quilt! EEK!

2 steps done! Making progress!!! 

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Beginning December

Well, I remembered that in my last post I forgot to update how much money I had found... so I'm making that my first priority today. Over the past 4 months, I have found .41 cents... some were found at lowes, home depot, Justice and Kohls (a whole quarter at Kohls). That brings my total to $3.09, not exactly the number I was hoping for nearing this close to the end of the year. But its better than nothing :D

Also I remembered I forgot to mention, I checked another item off of my New Years Resolutions. I ran my first 5K, and finished in 31 minutes and 7 seconds.

So as far as quilting goes.
I have been working when I can, I finished sewing together 1/2 of my HSTs, I also cut them in half and trimmed them.

Then I was busy sewing the other 1/2 , and my sewing machine started acting weird and eating my fabric, I decided it needed a rest, so I have been working on cutting the other half apart and trimming them.

Making progress I guess.
Count down: 20 days.

To do:
1. Finish HSTs
2. Cut HSTs apart
3. Trim HSTs
4. Assemble top
5. Baste
6. Quilt
7. Bind
8. Other quilt! EEK!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Holidays are upon us

So last update I only had 3 stars done, now I think I have 11.
However that quilt has had to take a backseat.
The rest of October flew by but I finished this sewing machine cover for my mom's birthday

 and now has November!
only 26 days until I need to have both quilts finished.

In the meantime the first week in November my parents visited. We had a great time

Then we spent a week with Josh's family in Pigeon Forge. We also had a great time.

Now I am back to sewing :D And I promise to dedicate all of my free time to quilting until these two quilts are done!
Today I finished cutting out the fabric for quilt #1.
Now I will work on sewing the HSTs. :D

Thursday, October 11, 2012

October update

Well its been about a month ago since I updated.
I have been working a lot since my boss was on vacation, and also I finally caught up on Ironing, and some of my mailing items.
still have a couple things to mail out! Sorry Stacey!

I also celebrated my birthday, the last of the 20s and when I was younger we used to go up north for my birthday. So I thought wouldn't it be nice if we went somewhere outdoorsy, We went backpacking in South Mountains state park, we had a great time!

I have also been working on 2 Projects! 
I know I know, Teresa said I would be hooked on working on two at one time, but I'm behind in both I think, I need to get a move on. 
I am for sure behind on my quilt along, most everyone else is done, but I'm finally working on my stars (I may have taken a break after that last quilt because well it was a lot of late nights and a lot of sewing... I needed a break) 
So far I only have 3 sewn together... and a TON more to go

Also I started working on one of the two twin sized quilts I need to have done by Christmas. I have a little over 1/4 of the squares cut out.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Happy September

Well, I'm a little behind on everything this September... but I'm getting back on track.
To all of you who I said I would mail your card/present. I will lol... So many birthdays, anniversaries etc. in September! Including ours! So...
We headed to Virginia Beach.

The Shriners were in Town, and had a parade, this was Josh's Fav
Then We went to a Maritime museum that had the U.S.S. Wisconsin

And of course we got to see the world's largest Chair!

We had to go to Virginia Beach a week early since I had to work on our actual anniversary date. We had planned to cook a nice dinner and see a movie, but instead we did yard work and I joined the quilt along at night :D It was fun!

And Josh Got me this great Sewing table!!!! (I sadly got him a clock... I feel like he won the present giving this year)

Thursday, August 30, 2012


So I finally finished sewing on the binding today.
Here are my pictures... enjoy!

These corners turned out nice

A special thanks to my mom for quilting it... Looks Great!!!!!!

The end of the binding so I hand sewed it on an angle

I took a note from Teresa and Made Josh model the quilt.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

All Laid out

Well today I sewed at a little more relaxed pace, and I must say, I appreciate my husband being so understanding... and taking care of stuff all on his own, and letting me sew as much as possible.

So I finished ALL the blocks today and laid it out

I now have 3 of the 13 rows sewn together, I'm calling it a night because I have to work an 8 tomorrow...
so after work I will sew the other 10 rows, and measure out filling and pack my bags, as I'm heading home on Monday :D
which gives my mom 1 week to quilt it... Plenty of time right? :D

Saturday, August 11, 2012

7 days

Thats right, in 7 days its the wedding.
Which means I have 7 days to finish sewing, have my mom quilt this and then put thebinding on...
and each step is taking a million times longer than I expected.
I started working around 9:30 this morning and its now midnight, and I did not make as much progress as I had planned, and I only stopped to eat.
Today I got the corners all sewed for the other main block.and most of them trimmed.
(the ones on the right still need to be trimmed... this will be job 1 tomorrow morning)

I also was able to sew the brown corners on 1/2 of the main squares... as you can see in the back

and I couldnt hold it in anymore I really wanted to see what it was going to turn out like... 
and here is the 1 full square I finished

I drank lots of this today to get me through since I'm out of cheer wine... I'm sure I'll need more of it tomorrow...

lets hope I can actually finish the blocks tomorrow...

Friday, August 10, 2012

Making preparations

So today I woke up a little later than planned... again, but apparently I'm tired lately.But I woke up and I finished up the 1/2 squares that I needed to finish up, and I'm officially done with the squares that only have the tiny squares. yey!

Then I took a break and ran some errands, picked up some food and Josh's shirt for the wedding from the drycleaner, then I worked on my outfit for the bachelorette party, since its a themed party.

then I got back to work, still kind of unmotivated today so the little breaks were welcome, 
Josh came home and we did a couple errands. We are donating 2 backbacks full of school supplies through Josh's work to a poor inner city school, in the town Josh works in. So we picked the stuff up for that, it was fun.

then back to working on the quilt.
sewing 144 HSTs

then trimming them.

Goal for tomorrow: finish sewing all squares, so I need to finish trimming them, then cut 144 brown squares in half and 144 white squares in half and sew everything together... 
wish me luck! and an early wake up :D

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Today I woke up, worked 8 hours and wasn't really in the mood for quilting,
So Josh and I took a little drive then got home and Josh encouraged me to get my quilt on. So I sewed some HSTs and trimmed and layed out enough for the 14 1/2 1A squares.

So tomorrow I need to pick up the Shirt from the Drycleaner, then I need to work on my quilt-a-thon, since I don't have to work.
However... I need to do ironing... but I think I might hold off... and only iron what I need to pack...
we shall see...

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Josh is a distraction

So this  morning I woke up about an hour and a half later than planned... oops...
but I apparently needed the sleep.

but I woke up to a moving truck a couple houses down, this is the second new family moving in to the neighborhood within a week of each other. Good to have the houses filling up.

but in about 2 and a half hours I whipped out 6 squares (you might think this took time, but I finished sewing the HSTs together and then I had to cut them apart and trim them)
then tonight it took me 3.5 hours to get the same work done, cause of Josh :D don't get me wrong, I love him, I just get more done other wise :D

Today I finished what I had hoped to finish yesterday 36 1B squares done

And of all of the squares both A and B I think this is my favorite

I have to work 8 tomorrow, so I will have some time in the evening, 
but I have friday off, we were planning to go backpacking... but the weather looks like it took a turn for the worse... so that makes 3 full days of quilting :D perhaps I will make it... 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I give it a 5

If I were still at whirlpool I think today would have ranked as a 5. Not meeting goals. (1 being the highest, 5 the lowest)

I didnt meet a single goal I set out for myself yesterday.
However I did manage to sew 12 more blocks, and about 250 HSTs so that is progress, just not as much as I was hoping for,
but the main reason I think was because I forgot I had other responsibilities I needed to take care of today. (oh and I woke up an hour later than planned... oops)
1. Pay the bills (complete)
2. Drop off mail (complete)
3. Drop off dry cleaning (complete)
4. Laundry (Extra complete)

so maybe I should categorize this as a 3... cause I did finish some things that needed to be done to survive life...

in other news, biopsy report came back good. check up in 6 months :D

tomorrow I have to work in the afternoon, so  that gives me, 4 hours in the morning and 5 hours in the evening, lets hope I can finish out those last 12 squares and then some... I think someone is going to get an IOU for their wedding not a quilt :(

Monday, August 6, 2012

No Pictures Today

Well, I cut my time for sewing down to 12 minutes a block. which is good, and I pushed out 12 of the 1B blocks... meaning I need to finish up 24 tomorrow, which hopefully will be easy.

2nd night sewing to midnight...

tomorrow, I will work my tail off as well... I want to have the rest of the little squares done tomorrow and I hope the main big square... wish me luck!

I also need to run to the post office and dry cleaner... other than that I'm locked to the sewing room...

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Wow this is going slow!

So I have been working on the 35 squares of 1A, it has taken me 9 days to finish them. I figured out it takes me about 15 minutes a square to actually sew them together, which seems like a ridiculously long time, but dont forget I'm making the HSTs as I go,
this is the help I get
Don't judge the fact I'm sewing min my jammies... its comfortable...

But finally 35 done.
my goal is to have the other 36 done tuesday... cause I only have 12 days left and there needs to be time for my mom to actually quilt it!!!!!

35 done... they need to be trimmed!

I also found a dime at our campsite 2 weeks ago, a penny at the lynx station and another dime at kohls today (yey for no tax weekend!)
bringing my total to: $2.68

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Finishing up for the week

so I have exactly 23 days until this wedding.. EEK... I did no blocks today
but I got some HSTs sewn while josh printed out our directions to our camping trip this weekend.
tomorrow, I need to prepare Mister for the weekend (clean litter, extra food and water), pack EVERYTHING, and iron, so Josh has clothes to wear to work next week...

then hopefully after all that before Josh gets home I can whip out a couple of squares... I'm beginning to panic... I forsee an all nighter in my future! (and I thought after college I was all done with those... actually no, I thought after I quit my job working as a global lead talking to China in the middle of the night I was all done with those... guess not)

what I did get today was a refill for my rotary cutter, because I used my last one and I like to have a spare on hand, my sewing pencil is getting low, so I picked up one of those, and I was tired of moving my GIANT ruler around, so a tiny one was in order... and I was having a bad day, I was hoping this would help cheer me up... no luck.

also, I am a penny richer... found it in the Sams store while picking up some food...
total: $2.47