Sunday, July 21, 2013


So as you know I keep track of the change that I collect, total since my last update I have found .41. I found .28 at walmart (two separate trips), .02 in the mammoth cave campground. and the rest somewhere else.
this brings my total to: 6.63

However, I have also acquired a metal detector :D

So I thought, PERFECT! and I took it to my parents house on my last trip. Why you ask? Because where my parents live is a very historic place. No not like President Lincoln's boyhood home
but they live on a piece of property that used to house a church, the Church was originally built in the 1820s ot 1830s and was around until the 1950s then it was an apple orchard. 
So I started scanning the ground near the barn my parents built a while ago, because my mom found an Indian head penny there years ago.
I did find some interesting things!
A thing that used to hole music, some house numbers and assorted nails, one is from a horse shoe

I also found this stamped metal ring with a glass bead for the stone. The print is so delicate!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Where did the time go?

Seriously I feel like it was just April, and now its June, 1/2 way through June.
And I do not have a free weekend between now and the end of July!

So in an update:
we found $5.17 more! Josh found a $5 at Home Depot! I found a penny on the train to charlotte, 2 at walmart, 10 cents at sams club... I dont remember where I found the rest but I was so impressed with the $5 bill find!
$6.22 total.

i've stalled on the mending, but I NEED to get it done, I have some time this afternoon and perhaps I will be able to get it done. probably not because I'm a slacker.

The vitamins I was doing really well on taking them, but then mother nature came to visit and I seriously thought I was going to die... that has not happened in a couple years, not since Josh and I moved out of Jackson... I think that apartment was killing us, literally it was scary there. so I have been taking them sporadically since then, but trying to be better about it, to see if its the vitamins that had the effect or something I was doing.

not much progress on anything else.

our bushes in the backyard are getting bigger this year! which is great!

We finally got our wedding pictures printed and hung
6 years later

My family reunion is this weekend, and my cousin's kids are gluten intolerant. So I am in charge of cookies, so I bought gluten free flour and oatmeal and tried out my hand at making cookies...

they turned out super crumbly... so I resorted to bar cookies...

Dear Lord, I am thankful I am healthy and not allergic to anything. Thank you.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

House Wife Week

Last week I went and picked 2 gallons of strawberries.
And then I made 4 batches of jam
This is about 1/2 of the jam in the freezer
However we had to go to 3 stores to find more of the freezer jars, and then we couldn't find the kind with twist on lids, only the snap on lids... which I do not prefer.

Then I also tried out a pintrest recipe that I had at my sisters house for fruit rollups.

Josh is unsure he wants to eat them... more for me!

also I had some strawberries left over for eating and our neighbors were nice enough to drop by with another court of strawberries!!! how thoughtful! :D 
Hope you enjoy your strawberries too!

Home Work

So Josh and I have been working on some stuff around the house.
Since we have moved in there has been a horrible wire shelving unit in my laundry room. I HATE wire shelves... EVERYTHING falls through or does not stand straight because half of it falls into the empty hole.

So finally we bought some shelves. however we had a heck of a time finding one that would accommodate the water valves and cleanouts and plugs. and fit in the corner.
Work in Progress

It only took 3 trips to Lowes and 2 to home depot to get it put up :D

Then I filled the shelves

I didn't know I had so much cleaning stuff!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Things around the house

No these are not hung up, but we finally ordered some prints from our travels and they turned out fabulously... so we are going to get the rest of them printed eventually and either hang them in our living room or our bedroom... which do you think?

We had to put in a new kitchen faucet, we decided to do one of these with two handles because the other one we had started leaking, can you believe it after 1 year!

And a Pintrest project! found a picture frame and had josh put some screen in it  and then hung in it the closet and hung my earrings... now I just need to figure out a way to hang hoops... any suggestions?

The Virgin Islands

We made a trip to the Virgin Islands to see some friends get married.
We stayed in a house with 11 other friends from college. Most of them were Josh's fraternity brothers, I remember the days back then when I thought it was fun... but honestly those boys are a disaster! so messy! I was happy when we got to come home and not worry about that but it was really great to see everyone and the wedding and the sites!

I learned how to snorkle

our super awesome rental company seriously rented this to us... I mean honestly? and then we got pulled over and they did not have the right insurance and registration in the car!!!

My first wedding on a beach, it was great!

The wonderful world of snorkeling

My My My its MAY!

So I really haven't been updating much, I've been feeling like I don't have anything to report on my list... so I was procrastinating on posting.
But I think I finally have a little progress :D

well I found .03, 1 penny today in the road in our neighborhood, 1 at walmart and the other I can not remember, so we are up to $1.05

1. I made serious progress on my mending, thanks to my quilting groups sewing night... although I wasnt exactly quilting, it was nice to set aside some time and get things done, I think I am 1/2 way done... the main thing I have left to do is hem all of Josh's jeans... he has decided dragging your jeans on the ground everywhere is no longer fashionable... impressive
however I noticed that one pair of sweatpants I mended has reopened the hole :( so I need to remend those...

3. go through all of my pics and finish up the book- not started yet

4. Twin sized quilts (up to 3) - not started yet, but its been bugging me so perhaps I will get a chance this week while Josh is out of town?

5. Six weeks to a six pack. So I made it through most of 5 but that was before we went to the Virgin Islands... and honestly I havent made it back to it since... perhaps tomorrow I can pick it up, working 8 hours on monday really discourages me from wanting to do much when I get home... but only 2 weeks to finish... redo week 5 and then 6... honestly its a great workout I think it really trims the waistline.

6. finish 2 5Ks, I thought I had chosen one... but we didnt get to register in time because of the whole trip to VI and back home for easter.

7. I have been taking my vitamins for 2 weeks, and have only forgotten 1 day... which is great.

8. finish my star quilt- no progress

9.finish the pillow I made was making for my Grandma

10. Sell all of my stuff on ebay... well out of those 9 things 3 sold. and have not relisted or listed anything new... I should get on that...

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Quick post

So I've been meaning to update, but have been too busy/lazy to do it...
so here is my current update... I found 58 more cents, at assorted places, including the gas station and walmart :D
my total is 1.02

Monday, March 18, 2013

So busy

I've been so busy I've been mentally updating my blog ... but not really getting to it...
 but here are some quick updates.
2. started my mending... meaning I've gotten 1 thing mended
5. I finally successfully finished week 3! :D
6.My work schedule is making me mad... however I did have time to schedule 1 5K, its in April...
11. I sold some of  my things on ebay, I need some time to list things again... so far only 3 of my 9 things sold... but I'm going to make progress I promise

I don't remember where I found all of this change, but I found .31 cents over the past month...
so the total is now up to .44 :D

next time pictures of stuff done around the house and maybe something from my vacay :D have a great EASTER! and lent will finally be over and I can have pizza... its been tough...

Sunday, February 10, 2013

February, short month, but lots of progress :D

So its only the 10th and I have made good progress on my goals I think.

1.finish baby quilt for my best friend- done
2. Mending- Not started yet
3.Go through all of my pics and finish up the books- not started yet
4. Twin sized quilts (up to 3)- not started yet
5. Finish six weeks to a six pack- I made it through 1/2 of weeks 3... I guess I have to restart week 3 again...
6. Finish 2 5ks- I looked over some and narrowed them down, now I have to check my work schedule to see if I have to work or not
7. Take my vitamins regularly- no progress
8. Catch up on my filing- done
9.Finish my star quilt- no progress
10. Finish the pillow I made was making for my grandma (newly added to the list)
11. Sell all of my crap that I need to get rid of on ebay- this is newly added to the list AND I have 9 things listed right now, I have more to add, however I actually have at least 1 thing sold because it has a bid! yey!

ok, so 2 things done... not that much progress but I feel really great about it... lol...

I also found a penny at food lion, and at Lowes, and I found ten cents at walmart :D total= 0.13

1st quilt of the year

So I finally finished my first quilt of the year, just in time for the baby to be born! I can not wait until he sees it/ Stacey sees it :D I will put it in the mail this week.

I chose something super fuzzy for the back, I love doing that for the baby quilts, seems cozy :D

The stitch I used for the binding, I thought it complimented the quilt well.

Friday, February 8, 2013

More Fabric than I've ever seen

So today I got to go to a 2 time a year event at a fabric warehouse.
This is the pay by the pound fabric- items with issues

this is about 1/4 of the fabric for sale but it goes the whole length of the  warehouse... I couldnt get a good picture without running into someone.
I ended up buying more than planned. oops!
this picture is of the bolts worth of fabric I bought. I bought some for a quilt I'm going to make my mother in law, and some curtains, and shower curtains, I'm excited.
I also bought some by the pound

it was so weird to see fabric there that they sell at Joanns and I thought, and I usually pay way more for this! lol... so I got some good deals!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

End of January Check in

Well, I have made myself quite a list of things to do this year. Lets have a check up.

1. Finish baby quilt for my best friend- Still not done, but lots of progress has been made, I do hope to even get some more time today to work on it, I finished most of the top and I was working on putting the border on.

2. Mending- not started yet

3.Go through all of my pictures and finish up the books- not started yet

4. Twin sized quilts (up to 3)- not started yet

5. finish the 6 weeks to a 6 pack, well I finished week 1 successfully, then I had to restart week 2, and I didnt even get a chance to finish week 3 cause of a hectic week. but I will do week three starting monday. I also went to the gym one time, but I left half way through class because I thought I was going to pass out. And this week has been pretty busy. (excuses excuses I know)

6. 2- 5Ks I need to choose which ones I'm going to do.

7. take my vitamins regularly- I think I have remembered them once. because I like to take them in the afternoon/evening/with dinner because I heard that is when your body needs it the most... Josh distracts me (I think we have covered this before?)

8. catch up on my filing- not started

I also wanted to add a 9. Finish my star quilt! No progress on this yet.

Over the last year I have joined an on-line quilting/sewing group, and these ladies talk about all kind of other domestic things. One of them they talked about making up a monthly menu. So I thought I would love to try this out. So I did. However, I don't think I executed it as successfully as I could have. Things I learned this month.
- Do not plan more than one crockpot meal in a row
- Make sure to plan for weekend lunches
eventually I would like to be such a planner that I can watch the sale ads to see when the things I want for the month are on sale, because I want to be able to buy them at their best price, but this month keeping up with the recipes themselves was a challenge I will improve :D

Also Teresa made some home made instant oatmeal, and I love oatmeal but Josh doesn't and the packets are expensive, so I made my own packets and my mom also makes her own granola cereal, so I made a recipe today too. Can not wait to eat it.

and no updates to change finding :( still at a penny

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Quick update

Well, lately we haven't been up to too much, I've been working on a quilt that I started around Thanksgiving (well... lets just say I'm a slacker, why am I so slow???!!?!?!?)
But I am not posting pictures yet, because its a gift.

Josh turned 30, I was a little... emotional, about how fast time is going by. I feel like I won't have enough time. It makes me sad. I feel like I just turned 25 and now this year 30! what?! Scary... I'm not as apprehensive about turning 30 as I was about 25, I'm kind of looking forward to it, but sad all the same, I want to be 25 again.

Also We have made a little progress on our house. In our last house we barely got pictures hung out before we realized we were moving, so we never really made that house our own. I am excited to customize this house. The bonus about this house is its new, so we get to do stuff to it and make it ours instead of fixing it. So this month alone we have added more space to our attic project, so we could store the ridiculous amount of stuff we own... oops. so that was nice. Then we finally hung some pictures!!!!
We found the tree at HOLO and we loved it and we had these pictures up at our last house. There these pictures were in the formal living room, which never had any furniture in it, so it was kind of silly, but we had dreams.  So in our house they are in our dining room, with a new lay out! We really like it. Don't worry in case there are additions to the family at the time we bought these I bought spares :D

we added these 4 pictures to the hall upstairs. In our last house they were on the stairs. but we didn't think the looked good on our stairs at this house, and I liked how the one was on an angular wall and the other three on the straight wall opposite it.

Also I had fun last year keeping track of how much money I have found. I found a penny in the target parking lot this past weekend. so my 2013 found money for the year is $0.01

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Welcome to 2013

Well, I started keeping track of how much money I found last year, and last update it was $3.09, After that in the Christmas crunch, I found .08 at the library and .26 at Meijer!Which is $3.43 for the year, not a lot, but I will transfer that to savings and it will grow :D

I gave my niece her quilt for Christmas, She loved it!

This Year I promise to be more on top of my sewing and projects.
Also I have not made resolutions this year, although last year I thought I actually accomplished them, this year I am setting goals! 
1. Finish a baby quilt for my best friend
2. Complete the mending
3. Go through all of the pictures and etc. and finish up my picture books
4. Finish at least 1, hopefully 3 twin sized quilts
5. Get in shape... meaning finish that 6 weeks to a 6 pack and go the gym regularly and run again.
6. finish 2 5Ks
7. take my vitamins regularly
8. catch up on my filing and file everything else regularly

I think that will keep me busy for a year :D