Sunday, January 31, 2016

Day 352

Well now that Josh is back at work, I have decided to study for the MAT, the test is multiple choice for 1hr. And you finish as many of the 120 questions as you can.
So I study for 1hr a day. The study book makes me feel really dumb, I don't know 80% of the words they want you to know. 

Sigh, and I am back at Rosetta Stone to study my Spanish.

This keeps me busy for the day on top of my cleaning schedule, which I changed up this year to clean 2 rooms really well each week. 
This evening I went to pay the guard, and I just love the scene on my way home.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Day 351

I drove Josh to work today,
Mr was not ready to get up and was still in bed when I got home.
I also ran a few errands and picked this up planning for a dinner soon :) I'm going to make some mole chicken, it's pretty delicious.

Day 350

Josh went back to work today.
I started studying for my MAT test, which I scheduled for my next visit home.
Mr was not ready to face reality as I worked on catching up the laundry after 7 weeks...

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Days 347- 349

We hung out around the house mostly, I think Mr was the most comfortable of all of us.

I did read my new cookbook

Days 345 and 346

We tried not to leave th house much except to go grocery shopping, it was nice and relaxing.
On New Year's Eve we opened some of the candy Josh had received from one of the guys at work.

And inside was a candy a fellow Blogger wrote about a while ago, so I made Josh watch the video before he opened the candy

Warning (contains swearing)

Then he was shocked as I was what the item inside the package looked like I couldn't stop laughing... Ours was just as bad.

We stayed up until just after midnight EST and then went to bed. We are getting old!
Happy new year! Feliz año Nuevo.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Days 343 & 344

Josh and I were both recovering from some type of cold/sore throat thing so we hung out most of the time.
Mr was kind of upset at us, and didn't want to hang out, he spent the time in the office bedroom.


While I was home I received a beautiful gift from a friend.
She made me this small quilt, now to figure out where to hang it in my sewing room :)
I love it! Such tiny pieces, it's so beautiful!

And on our trip through Atlanta airport we stopped by the quilt display.
At first I thought the quilts were old, but they are actually quite contemporary. And they have an interesting story, if you are there you should check the, out.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Well we headed to Frankenmuth for a tradition of dinner with friends.
When I was little we brought these home and I insisted my birthday cake be decorated with these... Lol, I still think they are adorable.

Then it was time for Christmas with my family, look how big these girls are getting! It makes me so sad. I wish that my siblings would have spaced all of the babies out and not had them all before I was even married, I think I could have been a better aunt if I wasn't busy being a teenager when the first couple were born.

But luckily Josh's brother has a little one, and we got to see them for Christmas too!
She really enjoyed opening presents this year, it was pretty cute.

A day in Detroit

We met up with some friends and went to the brewery for lunch

Visited the science center with them, it was pretty interesting
One thing I love about Detroit, is it was where my family settled after immigrating from Germany, and the other thing is the architecture you can find there so beautiful, I hope they can clean up d-town and keep the cool old buildings, if I was rich I might try to redo some of it on my own :) but I'm not.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

More basketball and a little band

My brothers oldest two girls both play on the 8th grade team, even though the younger one is in 7th grade.
Here is a good picture of them playing together, the younger one is passing the ball to the older one.
And I love this one of the older one shooting a freethrow

Also I went to see my sisters oldest play in a Christmas band concert, and since Star Wars was coming out the same week they played like 6 songs from Star Wars.
She plays all kinds of percussion. I was pretty impressed.

Holiday sewing

In between the hustle and bustle of shopping I decided I was going to make my friends some hot pads. I had 6 people I wanted to make hot pads for.

So I sat in my parents basement and cursed the super strong new fan. And by new I mean newly put in the basement to blow the heat from the wood stove upstairs.
Real new huh? In fact one morning we woke up to the house smelling like electrical fire, and the old fan had had enough, and thankfully broke the breaker and didn't burn the house down, my dad went out into the garage and dug this beauty out of the attic. My parents had helped my grandparents move to their lake house the summer I was born, and this fan had been up there ever since. With a little cleaning it was up and running.

And I sewed
This is my first ever hot pad, the binding I felt was too big, so I made it smaller for the rest.
I made two sets of each print.
And some pockets on the back.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Wedding time!

My little sister in the sorority got married at a ski resort, and the wedding was scheduled to be outside, but because there was no snow the winter wonderland wedding wasn't going to happen. I wasn't that sad about not sitting outside freezing. I did get to hand out programs :)
But I had a great time spending the whole weekend with friends that came in from all over the country :) that I haven't seen in a long time!
Nothing has changed.

The happy couple!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Baby basketball

all 6 of the nieces on my side are into basketball.
So what do I do after I am feeling better, hit up all the basketball games I can of course!
(basketball is not my fav sport, so this shows a lot of love)

My second youngest niece played during the Varsity half time. It was pretty adorable. They can bearly make it in the basket. And in this picture it looks more like dancing to me than basketball.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Tennessee Wedding and the aftermath

Josh's Mom decided she was getting married on Black Friday.
So the whole house got up and got ready in the morning, and then we all got in our cars and drove to the wedding site. My MIL went upstairs and put on her dress, and the wedding began.
After the wedding they just turned around and smiled... No walking back down the aisle or anything it was really weird. 
Then we took family pictures.
Only family attended the wedding, 
Then we ate dinner, and the happy couple took hundreds of pictures for like 2 hours, then we headed back to the cabin, went for a horse back ride and then walked around Gatlinburg. By the time we got home Josh's uncle got sick...

2am I wake up,to Josh getting sick... For the next two hours.
We had to wake up at 5 to go to the airport. 

He made it home to Mexico thankfully with out more more puking but laid on the couch for a day or two. 
 The groom and one of our nieces got sick about noon on Saturday. 

I thankfully made it to my parents house and hung out with them, until at midnight it hit me and I was sick for 8 hours straight followed by two days on the couch and only crackers and soup to eat. The bride ended up getting sick on Sunday too.

6 of us of the 20 ended up with food poisoning, the worst sickness I've ever had!
Thankfully I made it home so my parents could take care of me.