Well we got tired of updating the other blog becuase it didnt work right.
so we have imported all of the old blogs into here and will use this from now on :)
For our vacation we have been visiting the apartment everyday to do some laundry because we dont have a dryer at the house yet, and also to finish getting the things out of the apartment.
for the most part we have been successful, we still have a few things on the porch, in the garage and kitchen and of course the laundry, but everything else is cleared out.
Also we have been working on getting things organized in the house, for the most part the kitchen is done, however, the rest of the house is a work in progress.
Josh fixed the leaky seal in the kitchen sink today and Mister supervised.

so no more buckets under the kitchen sink :)

Since we moved in we have been trying to get the internet, however no luck so far, it was supposed to be ready on Friday, the guy came and activated our phone line, but work in the office still needs to be done. We have to wait until friday now.
We did also get our dish network on friday, I think I like comcast better.
Almost everyday since we moved into the house Lisa has been making trips back to the apartment on her way home from work.
She does a load of laundry and packs up some items to bring home. Josh has stopped by a few times and packed up the desk, and this weekend a few other boxes, it looks like we have gotten everything out of the master bath... making progress I guess. however, kind of sad that we are only fully moved out of the master bath.
At the house we are still living out of boxes for the most part, with Christmas coming up quickly we are concentrating on getting our Christmas cards out and presents wrapped, we wont even have time to put our tree up, which is ok, now that we are not hosting christmas this year.
the other day we were unpacking our car and Lisa thought she saw something out of the corner of her eye, and thought nothing of it, just the cat must have ran by or something.
So after we unpacked the car Lisa started to put stuff away, and Mister was acting all weird, hiding under everything, as lisa picked up a laundry basket a BAT comes flying at her! She runs out into the Garage and Yells "AAAAAHHHH BAT!" Josh comes in to the rescue, and gets a broom and starts creeping around the house. He gets into the diningroom and the bat tries to dive bomb him, Josh misses with his broom. The bat, flies up the stairs. Finally we hunt him down in one of the bedrooms, but we arent sure its behind the curtain, a sheer curtain, so Josh throws a dust pan at it and misses, the bat didnt move, so he creeps up slowly and BANG! hits it with the broom, it drops to the floor, we stuff it in a plastic bag and head to walmart to throw it out,
we dont have garbage service yet.
We have also had a massive amount of snow so josh has spent several hours getting to know the driveway and the neighbors, Mike lives to the east of us and Nancy lives across the street :)
Good to know your neighbors.
This weekend we moved in to our house technically.
Thank you to Adam, Justin, Lisa's Mom and Dad and Lisa and Jeremy!
Friday night Adam and Justin came up to our apartment, so they were ready to go bright and early Saturday morning. (10am)
They helped move all of the big stuff into the house, so now all we need to move is our dishes, and small items from the apartment, our goal is to have all of that accomplished by the end of december.
Lisa's mom and Dad spent the night to help us move another load of items in the morning. Mostly clothes adn other small things around the house, then they headed home.
We havent fully unpacked everything yet, or found a place to keep everything!
We are still trying to find a good place to put Mister's Litterbox.
So the work continues :)
Many people have been wondering,
Our Apartment Address in Kzoo is still valid until Jan of next year.
so feel free to mail items there,
if you still want our new address at the house e-mail us, we will be sending it out in our X-mas letter as well.
Also Lisa and Jeremy, Thank you for the Welcome mat! ;)
We really appreciate it!
and Stacey and Chris thank you for the Platter! Its the only Christmas decoration we have out!
We were going to clean on Friday, but the roads were too bad to go over to the house and worry about coming back tired on friday night.
So we headed out early Saturday morning, we were able to finish the family room, and most of the kitchen, all the appliances and everything
and we uncovered some beautiful avocado green with yellow linoleum when we moved the dish washer...
On Sunday we scrubbed the kitchen floors, and finished the Living room and Dining room and the bedroom downstairs
monday we took off and went and visited lisa's mom real quick to pick up things like dishes for x-mas dinner and etc. and then we went to Ikea! and did a little shopping,
Tuesday we were back at it, josh scrubbed all the carpet and lisa cleaned the laundry room and bathroom.
Finally we are done cleaning the house! we move in this saturday.
Well with 23 days and counting until we are hosting Christmas dinner for Josh's Mom's family, we have a lot of work to do.
So no more slacking off.
Last night we didn't get much accomplished, but every little bit helps. We finished washing the walls and windows and ceiling in the kitchen.
Tonight we hope to tackle all of the appliances... you need somewhere to cook Christmas dinner!
Bringing our November to a close. Lisa's parents came over to visit and help clean.
After a filling thanksgiving dinner and a good sleep, we took friday off to go Christmas shopping, but Saturday we were back at it bright and early.
After help from Lisa's Mom and Dad we finished cleaning the entire upstairs, the carpet has been scrubbed and everything, all the way down the stairs.
the second bathroom will need some regrouting and caulking, but we can do that after finish cleaning.
Josh and Lisa's dad put in the new locks.And Lisa's parents dropped off the christmas decorations we have been storing at their house :) so we will be able to decorate after we finish cleaning.
Lisa and her mom also took a quick break and headed to Goodwill for a little shopping and check out the chair they picked up :)
tomorrow back to cleaning, the entryway is next on our list.
Bringing our November to a close. Lisa's parents came over to visit and help clean.
After a filling thanksgiving dinner and a good sleep, we took friday off to go Christmas shopping, but Saturday we were back at it bright and early.
After help from Lisa's Mom and Dad we finished cleaning the entire upstairs, the carpet has been scrubbed and everything, all the way down the stairs.
the second bathroom will need some regrouting and caulking, but we can do that after finish cleaning.
Josh and Lisa's dad put in the new locks.And Lisa's parents dropped off the christmas decorations we have been storing at their house :) so we will be able to decorate after we finish cleaning.
Lisa and her mom also took a quick break and headed to Goodwill for a little shopping and check out the chair they picked up :)

tomorrow back to cleaning, the entryway is next on our list.
We looked into the grey grout, and we thought about how we are going to clean up after it, so we are going to wait until spring so we can clean up outside instead of washing the extra grout down the sink and clogging up the pipes...
and apparently they dont make cork seals anymore, so we have to make our own... we got our cork at Joann fabrics... really cheap actually and we will have some left over incase we need to replace it again... which hopefully we wont.
and finally we got to our cleaning.
we finished up the masterbed room,
we will have to clean the outside of our window and the screen in the spring as well...
but the walls, ceiling and vents are washed, and the inside of the window clean and the curtains.
And we will have to scrub the carpet and the curtains (cause they arent the kind you can put in the washer) :)
so a little progress today...
we finally took some picturesWell on friday we thought we would stop by Lowes on the way and pick up a few things like light bulbs and etc. and well... we spend like two hours there and didnt get to cleaning and on saturday we went to Josh's brother's house for thanksgiving, so cleaning was left for sunday
We finished the master bedroom except we need to regrout the shower floor, recaulk around the sink and shower and the light in the shower needs a new cork seal.
while we were cleaning our bathroom we thought the shower head was a little gross... so we replaced it...
check out our new shower head

And grout... quite possible the horriblist thing to clean ever...
Then we cleaned the master closet
the people that painted and organized that thing were clearly home improvement retarted.
they didnt move the shelving to paint
they didnt paint above the top shelf...
and the shelving units were uh... interesting
but to top it off... the list of items left behind
2 pairs of socks
2 teeth (the toothfairy visited)
1 pair of underware
then we start to clean the master bedroom, but we only got it vacuumed and the light and fan cleaned...
so hopefully tonight or tomorrow we can get some more cleaned...
we finally took some picturesWell on friday we thought we would stop by Lowes on the way and pick up a few things like light bulbs and etc. and well... we spend like two hours there and didnt get to cleaning and on saturday we went to Josh's brother's house for thanksgiving, so cleaning was left for sunday
We finished the master bedroom except we need to regrout the shower floor, recaulk around the sink and shower and the light in the shower needs a new cork seal.
while we were cleaning our bathroom we thought the shower head was a little gross... so we replaced it...
check out our new shower head

And grout... quite possible the horriblist thing to clean ever...
Then we cleaned the master closet
the people that painted and organized that thing were clearly home improvement retarted.
they didnt move the shelving to paint
they didnt paint above the top shelf...
and the shelving units were uh... interesting
but to top it off... the list of items left behind
2 pairs of socks
2 teeth (the toothfairy visited)
1 pair of underware
then we start to clean the master bedroom, but we only got it vacuumed and the light and fan cleaned...
so hopefully tonight or tomorrow we can get some more cleaned...
So we finally closed on our house on the 19th!
Our first night we invited Lisa and Jeremy over to check it out since we will be living really close to them now! it will be great!
so they stopped by and brought some pizza and beer :) Thanks!
Then yesterday we decided we were going to start the cleaning process.
We packed up all of our cleaning supplies from the apartment and headed to the house, stopping at walmart to pick up a few missing items.
We got to the house around 8pm, unpacked and decided to start in the master bath.
After an hour of cleaning we didn't get too far, but we are making progress.
We were able to clean the sink and vanity, however we could not figure out how to get the drain out, so we couldn't clean it, any ideas?
We also got the medicine cabinet clean, expect we forgot paper towels, so tonight we will clean the mirror. We also got the light fixture clean and started to clean the vent fan when we realized we needed tools to complete the job, so we've started packing list for tonight to continue our cleaning :)
hopefully we can post pics soon!
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