Well I feel like I am counting the days in solitary confinement or something, only my situation is probably more pleasant and I shouldnt be complaining.
lets review, since day 6.
i've judged a few competitions they have went ok, we had some people over on the 16th, but just as they were arriving, or fridge was dying, and by the end of the night, everything was warming, so we had an emergency on our hands! and no refigerator right now sad.
so hopefully we can get that remidied soon.
on the 17th we went bowling for a niece's birthday, it was a nice break from reality to see 2 year olds bowl.
And a problem tha thas been plaguing our family is spondelothesis, on monday I went and had an X-ray, and thankfully I am free of the problem, however I can not say the same for my other family members.
and finally the big news of 2010 so far, Josh had his 27th birthday, sadly it was low key because we are poor and have no fridge.
but I got him the new wii fit game :)
as for our resolutions, well we havent been back to church, but hopefully this weekend we can do that. Adn we have been working out, we joined a gym recently so Josh has been enjoying that and I went to Zumba once and that was fun and the people at this gym are really nice!
and as for eating healthy, well we are doing our best out of the mini fridge :)
oh and you kno whow I told you I fell down the stairs,
well this is a pic from a week after I fell, the bruise is still on my leg! and its been 2.5 weeks now!
and its still a huge lump... Awesome :)

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