Friday, March 11, 2016

Day 389

We woke up early and headed out, we drove through some pretty thick fog, but we made it to the US border in good time.
We were to Texas before the stores were even open, so we stopped for breakfast and then hit up Walmart and Target before the book store opened. We had to go to Texas because Josh's book for his next class was not available online. 
This was my first trip driving to Texas, now if you remember I did drive down through Texas last spring with my parent to bring Mr meow down, but never have I driven out of Mexico. I always fly.
So the feeling of crossing the border was a weird one, a sense of safety, and relief, and excitement.  It's so hard to explain the feeling of safety that washes over you when you come home.
It was also nice to shop, just shop. We don't have target or Kohls, and we don't just shop much here, so it was nice to browse! But we had to get home before dark, so it was quick browsing.
And then we were back to reality.


  1. There´s a bookstore in Laredo? Where? (Or is it the one at TAMIU? Now I see that Josh was getting a textbook . . . ) Man, oh, man--if only they had a real bookstore in Laredo! Oh--wait. Did you go to McAllen? Yep, I´ve heard they´ve got better stores there. Like, a bookstore! ;) *sigh*

    1. There is a books a million in Laredo, according to Google, but we went to McAllen, they have a Barnes and noble that we could order to store.
