To run the 1/2 marathon, I woke up so nervous, and we headed out early to get ready for the race. We used the port a potties and lined up.
we were well protected as the guards armed with AK-47s stood atop most of the government buildings surrounding the start.
I was pretty happy at the beginning, this is just after the start line
I had done some research on the course, but hadn't driven or walked it, as we do not go to this end of town much. after the first relativley flat mile, as you can see fromthe picture below, the next 6K were straight up a mountain... over 500 feet of elevation gain...

at the top of the mountain I go passed by a couple women dressed similar to this lady, who is in a traditional mexican style dress and if you notice sandals! I also got passed by a monk... running in full dress and sandals as well...
then after we ran back down most of the mountain, we got to run through beautiful downtown. I wanted the picture below pretty badly, i told Josh where to stand and thankfully I saw him as I was running up so I could dodge across the street so I would be in the picture :D
then we ran around the alemeda downtown (a park), and down a hill, and back up for 5K and finally back onto some flat road! just in time to come in for the finish, I was pretty exhausted by then I almost cried up the last 5K because I wanted it to be over...
and finally it was, I finished and chugged some water, and felt like dying, I couldn't find my friends and really wanted to use a potty again, my stomach hurt so bad, but really not until I stopped running, it didn't hurt at all while i was running.
so finally we found my friends, and we stopped to take this picture,I was still dying in this picture
Josh drove me home, and then I took a good 2 hour nap, and finally felt better! So I went to the sign to get my picture, like I had wanted to do after I finished my race, but there was no way I could have made it!
and then we ate tacos.
The end.
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