Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Trip home

DI had not been to the Mitten in 4 months,
Believe it or not, this is the longest amount of time I think I have been away...
So I fit in as many good things/times as possible.

Michigan Made

I have been missing this furry face! I look forward to his move to Mexico too!

I ran a PR, and won a medal

My Cousin got married

I did a little sewing, boarders finally! and I cut the batting

YUM! Coney Dog!

I visited Tim Hortons at least 3 times, lets hope Burger King doesn't Change them too much :(

Worked on some Ancestry, This is my Great Grandma and her sister at My great Grandmas confirmation.

and my friend got married.

I also bought some fabric I'm not telling my mom about because I already have too much stored at her house, and got to spend some great time with Teresa. I spent a hilarious day with my friend Stacey at the malll and movies. We had a great family cook out... And I spent some quality time with the parental units cutting firewood... yey for heat this winter when I visit.

oh yeah, and my nieces are crazy! :D

Monday, September 22, 2014

Great friends

As a going away present from a new friend I met while in North Carolina, she, a non-sewer, ventured into our local quilt shop and bought some great fabric for me.

Some were batiks, eek! I've never ventured into batiks... I put them in my pre-cut drawer, I will have to find a project to do with batiks... I'm a little scared, but thankful that I will have to venture out!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Painted pot

I have never seen a more intricate design on a toilet in person.
This one was at a bar in mexico.

And of course the matching sink