Thursday, February 19, 2009

Stupid People

Dear Stupid inconsiderate People;
This is my rant to you.
I know its hard times right now.
But honestly.
Do you think its not hard for me to replace my car window?
Do you think that I have all the money in the world and that GPS you took out of my car was pocket change?
no its not, I still have to pay my bills and figure out a way to fix my window.
do you think I enjoyed driving home 70mph with out a window in below freezing temperatures.
this is ridiculous.
honestly, the GPS I'm sad its gone because I'm directionally challenged...
what I'm more sad about is my car window being broken...
learn to pick a lock or something.
seriously if you are going to be a good thief... not a thug...
I made it through 5 years of flint without my car getting broke into... but I didn't even make it through 4 months at a park n ride in Kzoo...
I thought this was supposed to be a nice city.
you know.
the other day I even gave some guy that said he was homeless at the corner all of my change...
it wasn't a ton, but it was something,
I thought Karma was supposed to come around... what happened to that?
wheres my good Karma?
and look below for a view of your "handy" work



So I'm beginning to feel like I smell or something

(and honestly the whole talking in the third person thing is getting old, we all know Josh does not update this blog... its me... moving on)

We bought a house in a really nice neighborhood with a bonus, we knew people that lived less than a mile away! and people we liked!
then we met our next door neighbors, and they were nice, made us welcome to your new home cookies and everything!
and guess what! they put their house on the market on Monday!
Sigh, our only hope is cool people our age move in next door. that would be nice.
we shall see...

in other news
I still have bronchitis, josh now has a cold, and Mister... well hes still thinks he owns the house, although he has quit scratching door frames...

Monday, February 9, 2009

Quilting Continues

Lisa is working on her Second quilt.

This one is a basic 9 patch with strips between the 9 patches...

Right now she is working on cutting out the squares and laying them out to see what looks good together, right now it is about half way laid out. Hopefully by the end of the week it will be finished and the sewing can begin.


Oh! and this weekend Mister was on the hunt.
Apparently its spring and the Ants are out.
On Saturday 7 ants were found in varying sizes... some looked to be carpenter ants... 5 to be exact...
on Sunday only 3 ants were found 1 Carpenter sized ant.
and This morning, our ant count is 1 so far... carpenter sized...

I hope I this doesn't mean they are munching away at our house!

Working Weekend

Well The first weekend in February turned out to be a productive one.
Lisa's parents came over to lend a hand and to visit.

Sat morning, we got up and cleaned. Lisa is still recovering from Bronchitis.
When Lisa's parents arrived early afternoon, the work began, for the guys at least.
Josh and Dad started to work on the phone lines, which some were disconnected, some were working, and Dad brought his phone equipment to straighten things out.
All was resolved in no time, they also fixed the garage door openers and now they all work! Then they relaxed until Lisa and mom returned.

Lisa and Mom stopped in at meijer to pick up ingredients for dinner,
then they put together dinner and headed out to do a little shopping.

The first store they stopped by was Salvation army, not very impressive, then to Goodwill, where Lisa picked up a couple of books, a bowl and a stool, which she was lucky to get.

so I saw the stool in the back room, and asked one of the sales associates if it was for sale, she said "no, that is our stool" so I said thank you and went on my business browsing around. Then as I was getting ready to check out, I see the stool sitting by the check out, with a price tag on it! I took hold of the stool and guarded it with my life. Asking the sales associate at the counter, and all the patrons around if any one was purchasing the stool. They all said no, amid the chaos of something being voided out of one of the cash registers, which later was found to be the stool. A man had wanted to the stool, but did not have enough $, so he could not buy it, I picked it up and waited in line and purchased it right then! the stool was mine for the low price of $13! it is a great antique stool with red seat and steps that fold under the stool. then off to TJMaxx and home for Taco Soup! YUM!

On Sunday, Mom helped Lisa with a quilt she has been working on, and Josh and Dad tried to fix the squeak coming from the washer, and they also build some shelves into our "office" closet... so finally we can store things!

Sometime during the week our Meijer had began selling their fixtures so they can make room to remodel. For $5 we were able to pick up a rack for clothes, so Lisa can use that to dry clothes instead of hanging them in the closet as she has been doing.

We felt so accomplished after this weekend!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Catch Up

Well, Its February now, and we have not been quite as diligent about keeping our blog updated, but for the most part we are in a holding pattern for updates to our house.

but we do have a few updates.

First, over the holidays Stacey and Chris visited and we exchaned presents.and Stacey got Lisa a nice blue depression glass toothpick holder for her collection:

Also, Josh turned 26!

And Last but not Least, We finally got a DRYER!!!!
Josh with the help of Mister did the install