Monday, July 28, 2014

Your marriage license is not real

You know that fancy marriage license they give you the day you tie the knot with the pretty gold seal... It's fake...
Ok not really... But apparently not real enough...
Real enough to change your name at the social security office, the Secretary of State (DMV), your tax filing, etc. but not really real.
In order to get a "Real" marriage license a week to 10 days after your marriage you need to order one from the county clerk.

The difference?
There will be an added statement somewhere on it (because marriage licenses vary from county to county, and state by state) that says it is indeed a true marriage license and has been signed by the county deputy or something, not the county clerk like before.

What can this marriage license do for you that your other one can't? 
Nothing. (That I know of)

Why get one?
Well, send it in/take it in/ have a friend take it in to the special Secretary of State with $1, and the county you want to get a visa to, and they will add a special certification to is called Apostille. This new certification will then allow your marriage to be recognized by the other county, because apparently now it's real... It wasn't before...

Monday, July 21, 2014

Extra! Extra!

Yesterday I was able to go to a movie set and be an extra! For free... So for my volunteer work, I received, lots of water, lunch, and a sunburn... But I also received some knowledge, making a movie is harder than I would have thought, and it can be long, and boring.
We were there for 14 hours,  but it seemed to fly by!
And sometimes we had to be silent, but pretend to be all excited and cheering on the team, so I got to work on my mime skills, let's day after 6 hours of practice they are improved.

The day started with the stands of the football stadium full, and the cameras at a wide angle, and me in the front row. The cameras and the tents moved around and around, I think they are pros at moving tents by now, and by the end, there were about 1/6th of the extras there and the cameras were doing close up shots of the actors.

I also was able to see my first two celebrities ever (if you don't count Disney characters) 
Nat Wolff and Emma Roberts.
Please note, I said, SEE, not MEET.
By the end of the day we had been moved around and I was half way up the stands, but if you look closely at the picture the #27 (one of 3) near the cheerleaders is Nat Wolff, he was great, interacted with the crowd, thanked everyone for coming and generally seemed like a nice guy... This can not be said about the others...

Overall it went by fast and was fun... And now I just have to wait for the movie to come out to see if I made it in!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Temporary Home 2.0

Before we move to Mexico, we need a place to live until our Visas come through,
Last time in Michigan we had a temporary home too. it was a one bedroom apartment where the people that lived above me fought like cats and dogs, and threatened to throw their baby out of the window... seriously

This time,
i'm living in a place that is a little better, I can barley hear the people above me, and we have a pool :D
But I'm not unpacking.

Keeping it classy with my bed in the dinning room, under the chandelier 

My sewing room

Monday, July 14, 2014

2 weeks notice

Last week I turned in my two weeks notice. 10 days until I won't have a job. 10 days until being a wife is my full time job for the next 5 years...
Let's hope the culture shock isn't as bad as it was last time, and I can handle not being a contributing member of society. 
Last time the effects were bad, and I had a hard time, will it be as hard the second time around? 
Wait and see...

Saturday, July 12, 2014

The big goodbye

A year ago we finally hung pictures up in our living room.
3 months ago we packed everything up, and took those pictures down, 
2 weeks a go we sold our house.

We knew we wouldn't live in this house forever, it was never our dream, but we didn't think it would be less than 3 years. 

I am glad that it did not take 9 months to sell like our last house.

Thursday, July 10, 2014


I just realized I'm two months behind! As I try to catch up on my blog reading, I'll secretly compose the blog I've been meaning to write in the last two months! I've got to much to talk about! So little time!