Thursday, January 31, 2013

End of January Check in

Well, I have made myself quite a list of things to do this year. Lets have a check up.

1. Finish baby quilt for my best friend- Still not done, but lots of progress has been made, I do hope to even get some more time today to work on it, I finished most of the top and I was working on putting the border on.

2. Mending- not started yet

3.Go through all of my pictures and finish up the books- not started yet

4. Twin sized quilts (up to 3)- not started yet

5. finish the 6 weeks to a 6 pack, well I finished week 1 successfully, then I had to restart week 2, and I didnt even get a chance to finish week 3 cause of a hectic week. but I will do week three starting monday. I also went to the gym one time, but I left half way through class because I thought I was going to pass out. And this week has been pretty busy. (excuses excuses I know)

6. 2- 5Ks I need to choose which ones I'm going to do.

7. take my vitamins regularly- I think I have remembered them once. because I like to take them in the afternoon/evening/with dinner because I heard that is when your body needs it the most... Josh distracts me (I think we have covered this before?)

8. catch up on my filing- not started

I also wanted to add a 9. Finish my star quilt! No progress on this yet.

Over the last year I have joined an on-line quilting/sewing group, and these ladies talk about all kind of other domestic things. One of them they talked about making up a monthly menu. So I thought I would love to try this out. So I did. However, I don't think I executed it as successfully as I could have. Things I learned this month.
- Do not plan more than one crockpot meal in a row
- Make sure to plan for weekend lunches
eventually I would like to be such a planner that I can watch the sale ads to see when the things I want for the month are on sale, because I want to be able to buy them at their best price, but this month keeping up with the recipes themselves was a challenge I will improve :D

Also Teresa made some home made instant oatmeal, and I love oatmeal but Josh doesn't and the packets are expensive, so I made my own packets and my mom also makes her own granola cereal, so I made a recipe today too. Can not wait to eat it.

and no updates to change finding :( still at a penny

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Quick update

Well, lately we haven't been up to too much, I've been working on a quilt that I started around Thanksgiving (well... lets just say I'm a slacker, why am I so slow???!!?!?!?)
But I am not posting pictures yet, because its a gift.

Josh turned 30, I was a little... emotional, about how fast time is going by. I feel like I won't have enough time. It makes me sad. I feel like I just turned 25 and now this year 30! what?! Scary... I'm not as apprehensive about turning 30 as I was about 25, I'm kind of looking forward to it, but sad all the same, I want to be 25 again.

Also We have made a little progress on our house. In our last house we barely got pictures hung out before we realized we were moving, so we never really made that house our own. I am excited to customize this house. The bonus about this house is its new, so we get to do stuff to it and make it ours instead of fixing it. So this month alone we have added more space to our attic project, so we could store the ridiculous amount of stuff we own... oops. so that was nice. Then we finally hung some pictures!!!!
We found the tree at HOLO and we loved it and we had these pictures up at our last house. There these pictures were in the formal living room, which never had any furniture in it, so it was kind of silly, but we had dreams.  So in our house they are in our dining room, with a new lay out! We really like it. Don't worry in case there are additions to the family at the time we bought these I bought spares :D

we added these 4 pictures to the hall upstairs. In our last house they were on the stairs. but we didn't think the looked good on our stairs at this house, and I liked how the one was on an angular wall and the other three on the straight wall opposite it.

Also I had fun last year keeping track of how much money I have found. I found a penny in the target parking lot this past weekend. so my 2013 found money for the year is $0.01

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Welcome to 2013

Well, I started keeping track of how much money I found last year, and last update it was $3.09, After that in the Christmas crunch, I found .08 at the library and .26 at Meijer!Which is $3.43 for the year, not a lot, but I will transfer that to savings and it will grow :D

I gave my niece her quilt for Christmas, She loved it!

This Year I promise to be more on top of my sewing and projects.
Also I have not made resolutions this year, although last year I thought I actually accomplished them, this year I am setting goals! 
1. Finish a baby quilt for my best friend
2. Complete the mending
3. Go through all of the pictures and etc. and finish up my picture books
4. Finish at least 1, hopefully 3 twin sized quilts
5. Get in shape... meaning finish that 6 weeks to a 6 pack and go the gym regularly and run again.
6. finish 2 5Ks
7. take my vitamins regularly
8. catch up on my filing and file everything else regularly

I think that will keep me busy for a year :D