Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Well... as you can tell by my lack of an update in over two weeks, I have not gotten a lot accomplished... the more I think about this goal... the more I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna be able to get six quilts done by Christmas...
never the less I am plugging along at a snails pace.
today I finished trimming the squares I had a quick chance to iron last week. I officially have 61 squares with their 1/4 circle sewed in, ironed and trimmed.
some more are sewed awaiting the iron, others are pinned waiting their turn at the sewing machine...still more sit in a pile on the table waiting to be pinned.

in my defense my schedule has been crazy late night meetings, early morning meetings, working ridiculous hours, then out of town for 4 days and now I'm getting ready to be gone for 8 days...
hopefully after this it will calm down... although mention of Poland in June was made... we shall see...

I shall prevail.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Making Progress

Today I shrunk that pile I had pinned up.
I sewed 98, 4 of which I had to tear out, so 94 are ready for ironing, some may not make it through the ironing process, depending on how well the little wrinkles iron out.
which means 114... 10 left... although I think I must have a couple spares.
now to have my 11pm meeting...

Monday, April 11, 2011

Keep on Keepin on

Coming up with Witty titles, or not so witty titles for keeping up progress is getting harder...

yesterday I decided i was going to pin those pesky squares until I ran out of squares or pins, which ever came first, pins lost.

I hope to get some of them sewed today as I am working from home... so I gain 2 hours of my life back by not driving.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Slow and Steady

Yesterday while Josh was getting the oil changed, I was able to sew 15 more squares, unfortunatley I had to tear out 3, leaving me with a total of 12 for the day, and 20 over all. 124 of this print to finish! yikes

Friday, April 8, 2011

My Favorite Part

Now I am finally on to my fav. part. Where when I finish putting a square together, I can start to see the design of the quilt and I see that hopefully the fabrics i picked out look good together! so far so good I think!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A step in the right direction

So the fun part begins!!!
I finished my first square for the quilt for Lillia!!!!

Done Cutting!

Finally I am done cutting for twin Quilt #1...
now to catch up on my dishes and ironing :D

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Not Helpful

So waiting for my 11pm meeting.
I thought I would get a little bit of my cutting done for my quilt.
Mister thought otherwise.


So I have been making progress,
I have 3/4 of the circles cut out of the squares...

but what do i do with the scraps that are left over? I'm not sure they are big enough to do much with...