Saturday, September 26, 2015

Day 287

I had a great time with a friend today, we went out shopping and I actually found a beach you but super nice looking dress for an upcoming wedding in November, so I'm excited about that.
Then for  Spanish class we had to go grocery shopping. It was interesting, and silly.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Days 285 & 286

Wednesday was chores and Spanish.
Then on Thursday I was all caught up, so I did my usual morning chores and then since Josh had a work dinner I was on my own until late at night. So I sewed for 9.5 hours on my client quilt.
I love the yellow wood grain print.
And this block even though one of those is supposed to be orange and the other red, I love it.

 I even had a buddy while working.

Day 284

Today I had my friends over to do a craft day.
I made scones for the first time, and even though I added too much milk and the. Had to add more flour, sugar and baking powder, they turned out good.
Then I also made baked pickles, AMAZING, they tasted just like fried pickles, I was so happy,

And we made leather bracelets, the. We went to the leather store and they put snaps on for us. 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Days 282 and 283

We ran errands on Sunday then in the evening Josh had a work dinner.
On Monday Mr went outside for his morning romp 
And took to chasing the grasshoppers.
His kill.
I think he ate two grasshoppers but had a blast!

Day 281

Josh worked in the morning but in the afternoon we headed to a parque.
The parque used to be a steel mill/foundry. Now they turned it into a museum, park, art school, reception halls, it's huge and really cool how they have reused the area.
We rode in the little carts that used to bring pig iron to the top of the oven. I'm scared of heights and the floor at the top was all grate!!! But it was interesting, they don't really do stuff like this in the U.S.
Pretty much a slow motion demon drop.

Then they have this boat that goes along a river to another part of the park, we will have to go back and ride it sometime.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Day 280

I worked on my quilt today
I finished the top.
Now I need to pick a boarder.
Which one do you think? These are the fabrics I have enough of here to do a boarder.
We also finally started out Spanish class.
Check out these chairs!!! Super comfortable.
But I was feeling like crap! My nose wouldn't stop running, it was terrible. So we stopped at a new pizza place.
(Sorry it's sideways) 
The best pizza we have had in Mexico!!!


Day 279

I worked on my client quilt a little bit.
This is my favorite block from today

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Days 276-278

Sunday and Monday were pretty quiet days, just hanging out around the house.
But I was pretty excited because I found out Age of Adaline was on our Netflix! And I had been wanting to see it. It was an okay movie, nothing too exciting. But it is t even out on DVD in the U.S. I don't think.
I also find it interesting that fast and furious 7 just came out on DVD in the US and its been out for at least a month here.

Then Tuesday was our 8th anniversary, Josh of course had to work, but he made reservations at a really nice restaurant for us, a place I had not been before, and we were so full when we left!  But it was so good, it was nice to celebrate 8 years together. 
Josh got me some beautiful flowers, only the 3rd time in the 13 years we have been together. Mr was very interested in them. But we didn't have a case, so they are in a juice pitcher...
Can't wait to see what the future brings :)

Monday, September 14, 2015

Day 275

Josh went to work for a bit, then we headed to Monterrey to check out a camping store and then we thought we would go to a park.
But once we got there the mall it was in was huge! And it had a Sears! It was the nicest Sears I've ever seen! It was nice. And we had a good time walking around a mall, it's been a long time since we have done that. And we went to a nice restaurant there. And since Independence Day is coming up they had some performers of traditional dancing, it was really nice and this guy was dancing so much he ripped his pants.
In the parking lot we saw this...
Need a firemans outfit?

Then we saw tryouts for a show similar to American idol.

Day 274

Today was a slow day, I was feeling less than motivated, but I did sew the tag on the quilt.

This little guy was hanging out on my violet.

And Mr spent most of the day hiding from the storm.
He was cozy in the sweaters.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Day 273

I borrowed the car today so I could hang out with my friends and get a few errands ran.
On my way to pick Josh up, I noticed this guy painting the wall along the road as an advertisement.
I think a lot of times that some of this stuff you don't see in the U.S. Anymore.
In the U.S. It would probably be a plastic wrap or something.

Days 271 & 272

Tuesday morning my friends picked me up and we headed to a new market and a new grocery store. I bought a tortilla warmer. When I got home I sewed some on my quilt.

Then Wednesday morning with some encouraging from friends I got back to sewing.
I have it half sewed together.

This little guy was hanging out in the pool when I went to fill it up, better than the mouse!!!

I also sewed some on my client quilt.
These were my two favorite blocks of the day.

Mr wanted to say hi!

And for dinner we made a great qinuoa mixture that I should get an award for making. It had jalepenos, peppers, and zucchini in it. And if you know me a year ago I tried to avoid even cooking with onions and I hate zucchini...
It was delicious

Friday, September 11, 2015

Days 269 and 270

We stayed at home on Sunday, did a little grocery shopping but nothing exciting

And on Monday I just worked on chores, nothing too exciting. It was not a holiday here... 

Day 268

Josh had to work all day
But we have great news! We are officially debt free!!!!! Yey!
Too bad we are now too poor to celebrate!

But for dinner we tried lettuce wraps, it was a disaster, and I did t really like the mixture taste, but Josh did.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Day 267

Josh only worked part of a day today so we decided to make a day trip,when he got home to pick up some wine and so Josh could see the church I went to with my friends.

This ceiling is interesting

I think we have a problem.

Day 266

Thankfully the quilt turned out amazingly! Phew!
I'm super happy!
I only need to sew on the tag.

And I found out that state files on ancestry were free, so I spent most of the day attached to the computer! And I got some great info, including a death record for my great grandma's sister that we have been searching for!!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Day 265

I finished attaching the binding.
Then I put the quilt in the laundry
I was worried about the red running since while quilting it turned my sewing machine slightly pink!!!!
So I picked these up at the grocery store and put in a couple of each into the washer with the quilt with my fingers crossed.

I started to sew the squares together for my quilt.

Day 264

Since I was up late I took the morning to relax with mr. And do a little bit of cuddling.
Then I got to work sewing.
With help of course!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Days 262 and 263

We hung out at home did some cleaning around the house, using the new vacuum, the rugs are so much cleaner it's so impressive!
Seriously our old vacuum was doing NOTHING! We had to empty the canister after every rug. I was a little grossed out.

I worked on trimming and Mr thought he would help by napping on my fabric.

And I finished pressing
Then I had a super hard time sleeping because the layout was bothering me, how to make it all random, so I laid it out and after like 3 tries I think it looks ok.
And somehow I was 2 squares short! 

Friday, September 4, 2015

Day 261

While Josh was at work I started pinning the binding on the MIL quilt.

When Josh got home we went shopping.
Good news, right next to your brisket you can pick up cow tongue and stomach... Barf

We finally got a real vacuum, I've never been happier, although I miss my Dyson, this is much better than the Mexican vacuums!
And now serving chips and salsa in my new telavera wear :)

Finally I went for a run, with my new shoe charms my friend gave me while I was home.

Day 260

I finished cutting the white squares out for my client quilt and started sewing the color 9 patches together.
I even got a little help from a friend :)