Thursday, July 26, 2012

Finishing up for the week

so I have exactly 23 days until this wedding.. EEK... I did no blocks today
but I got some HSTs sewn while josh printed out our directions to our camping trip this weekend.
tomorrow, I need to prepare Mister for the weekend (clean litter, extra food and water), pack EVERYTHING, and iron, so Josh has clothes to wear to work next week...

then hopefully after all that before Josh gets home I can whip out a couple of squares... I'm beginning to panic... I forsee an all nighter in my future! (and I thought after college I was all done with those... actually no, I thought after I quit my job working as a global lead talking to China in the middle of the night I was all done with those... guess not)

what I did get today was a refill for my rotary cutter, because I used my last one and I like to have a spare on hand, my sewing pencil is getting low, so I picked up one of those, and I was tired of moving my GIANT ruler around, so a tiny one was in order... and I was having a bad day, I was hoping this would help cheer me up... no luck.

also, I am a penny richer... found it in the Sams store while picking up some food...
total: $2.47

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

More progress

today I was able to get 6 blocks together

which brings my total to 9.
meaning I have 26 more of this block to make... :D
I have 5 more laid out to be sewn together... 
I'm loving how this is coming together... what do you guys think?

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Today's progress

3 finished squares, 32 more to go!!!! (of this one)

more HSTs trimmed and layed out to be sewn together, others left to be trimmed... and tons to be sewn together!!! but at least progress has been made.

first square

I cut all of these HST and then trimmed them into the 2inch squares they should be... then I sewed them all together, but they didnt turn out perfect...
but this is my first square done...

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Quilt 2.0

So for the first time ever I'm working on 2 quilts.
and I finally finished cutting out all of the fabric for my second quilt! Just in time! I had to have it done by tomorrow! (nothing like last minute!)

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Well, its like 4am, and I can not sleep.
I've been up since about 8am... then worked 8 hours. yey,
so I have been productive while not sleeping, first I watched a tv show, thinking oh I'll be tired soon, didnt happen, then I tried laying down... nope, then I picked out a nail design I want for a wedding I'm going to be in... and a few hair styles I liked, tried to lay down... nope no sleep.
So I finally decided what the heck, why not actually work on the two quilts I've got going, so I cut some more

and sewed a little and squared up those tiny little squares to 2 inches now after they are sewed and cut apart, I've only got 20 done... 2000 more to go (literally)
I think I'll try to take a nap now, I hear the third time is a charm...

Thursday, July 19, 2012

woot woot!

so I finally finished cutting for that top secret quilt! :D

now I get to start cutting for the quilt along! I need to be done with that by monday :D

also I found .11 at the library, on the floor, so that brings my total to : $2.46

also I found out I have to have surgery :( not sure the date yet... not looking forward to it, since it will be my first health thing ever... no good.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


are you tired of the numbers yet?
well... too bad, I have more :D
I finished the 416 squares for the edge squares.

now I have to cut 432 more brown squares for the other main block... here goes a whole nother day :D

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


I have finished cutting out 583 brown 2 and 1/2 inch squares for my next quilt...
now I have to cut 583 white squares, so I can then sew them together and cut them apart to make triangle squares...
oh... but before I do that I need to cut 416 other brown and white squares for the edge squares... and who knows how many for the corner squares... ugh... I have 1 month...