Thursday, February 19, 2009

Stupid People

Dear Stupid inconsiderate People;
This is my rant to you.
I know its hard times right now.
But honestly.
Do you think its not hard for me to replace my car window?
Do you think that I have all the money in the world and that GPS you took out of my car was pocket change?
no its not, I still have to pay my bills and figure out a way to fix my window.
do you think I enjoyed driving home 70mph with out a window in below freezing temperatures.
this is ridiculous.
honestly, the GPS I'm sad its gone because I'm directionally challenged...
what I'm more sad about is my car window being broken...
learn to pick a lock or something.
seriously if you are going to be a good thief... not a thug...
I made it through 5 years of flint without my car getting broke into... but I didn't even make it through 4 months at a park n ride in Kzoo...
I thought this was supposed to be a nice city.
you know.
the other day I even gave some guy that said he was homeless at the corner all of my change...
it wasn't a ton, but it was something,
I thought Karma was supposed to come around... what happened to that?
wheres my good Karma?
and look below for a view of your "handy" work


1 comment:

  1. Poor Chloe :( I hope they get their comeuppance (thats a word right?) Karma's going to turn around and bite them in the tushy one of these days.
