Sunday, February 10, 2013

February, short month, but lots of progress :D

So its only the 10th and I have made good progress on my goals I think.

1.finish baby quilt for my best friend- done
2. Mending- Not started yet
3.Go through all of my pics and finish up the books- not started yet
4. Twin sized quilts (up to 3)- not started yet
5. Finish six weeks to a six pack- I made it through 1/2 of weeks 3... I guess I have to restart week 3 again...
6. Finish 2 5ks- I looked over some and narrowed them down, now I have to check my work schedule to see if I have to work or not
7. Take my vitamins regularly- no progress
8. Catch up on my filing- done
9.Finish my star quilt- no progress
10. Finish the pillow I made was making for my grandma (newly added to the list)
11. Sell all of my crap that I need to get rid of on ebay- this is newly added to the list AND I have 9 things listed right now, I have more to add, however I actually have at least 1 thing sold because it has a bid! yey!

ok, so 2 things done... not that much progress but I feel really great about it... lol...

I also found a penny at food lion, and at Lowes, and I found ten cents at walmart :D total= 0.13

1 comment:

  1. Well with the vitamins... just set an alert on your phone or something.... and remember that it only take 21 days for something to become a habit.
