Thursday, January 31, 2013

End of January Check in

Well, I have made myself quite a list of things to do this year. Lets have a check up.

1. Finish baby quilt for my best friend- Still not done, but lots of progress has been made, I do hope to even get some more time today to work on it, I finished most of the top and I was working on putting the border on.

2. Mending- not started yet

3.Go through all of my pictures and finish up the books- not started yet

4. Twin sized quilts (up to 3)- not started yet

5. finish the 6 weeks to a 6 pack, well I finished week 1 successfully, then I had to restart week 2, and I didnt even get a chance to finish week 3 cause of a hectic week. but I will do week three starting monday. I also went to the gym one time, but I left half way through class because I thought I was going to pass out. And this week has been pretty busy. (excuses excuses I know)

6. 2- 5Ks I need to choose which ones I'm going to do.

7. take my vitamins regularly- I think I have remembered them once. because I like to take them in the afternoon/evening/with dinner because I heard that is when your body needs it the most... Josh distracts me (I think we have covered this before?)

8. catch up on my filing- not started

I also wanted to add a 9. Finish my star quilt! No progress on this yet.

Over the last year I have joined an on-line quilting/sewing group, and these ladies talk about all kind of other domestic things. One of them they talked about making up a monthly menu. So I thought I would love to try this out. So I did. However, I don't think I executed it as successfully as I could have. Things I learned this month.
- Do not plan more than one crockpot meal in a row
- Make sure to plan for weekend lunches
eventually I would like to be such a planner that I can watch the sale ads to see when the things I want for the month are on sale, because I want to be able to buy them at their best price, but this month keeping up with the recipes themselves was a challenge I will improve :D

Also Teresa made some home made instant oatmeal, and I love oatmeal but Josh doesn't and the packets are expensive, so I made my own packets and my mom also makes her own granola cereal, so I made a recipe today too. Can not wait to eat it.

and no updates to change finding :( still at a penny

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