Monday, April 18, 2016

Day 413

Today I tried a candy that was in a bag from one of Josh's coworkers.
It was terrible, probably because I don't like mangos... But I was hoping it would taste good, it was bad, I spit it out.

Then in the evening we took Mr in for his yearly vet appointment. His first in Mexico.
He did very well, and laid on the table calmly the whole time. I don't think this vet does as thorough of a job, but mr got his shots, one was a dog rabies shot, probably because he is so big and he wrote a prescription for us to get meds in the US, all in all a good visit.

When we got home Mr was able to eat and he was happy
Then in the evening Mr and I cuddled after his tough day.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, man! Those are my favorites! Are they the chewy, gummy kind? Mmmm . . .
