Sunday, March 27, 2011


Well this weekend I only managed to get 1/2 of what I wanted done.
which is 1/2 of the quilts squares for the first quilt cut out.
but I got some of the laundry done, enough to keep me over until next week, and I got almost all of the dishes done... and I am almost caught up on my TV watching... lol...
notice I did not actually accomplish anything I set out to do this weekend.
so through out this week I plan to work hard at work, and make sure everything is in line there and then I plan to cut a lot at home so I can get all of the squares cut out this week. at this rate I will not be done with six quilts by Christmas especially since summer is coming and I'm sure my desire to stay inside will be zero...


  1. Jeesh your already discouraged?! I think you need to listen to Ice Cube's You Can Do It :)Its a great motivator.
    I think you can totally get them done!

  2. I honestly think cutting teh squares is the second worst part, the first being binding... ugh...
    but no not discouraged, just distracted ;D
