Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Day 11

So I did a few more loads of laundry, one of which was sanitizing the pad for the steam mop, Josh had steam cleaned some things before I got down here.
So I was excited to use the steam mop for the first time.
Meet our steam mop.

Notice all the dirt on the pad? This place is dusty! I had mopped the bathroom, closet, bedroom and living room, and it got quite dirty! Then later I knelt on the living room floor and my pants were all dusty again! How will I keep up with this dust!?!?!

But the steam mop is really nice Nice and quick, I had heard about them because my sister inlaw had one, and really liked it. The downfall is no cleaning solution can be used... So you will need to bleach mop occasionally... 

I also washed the sheets, so I made up our bed with all the decorative pillows and etc. I am in LOVE with our new bedspread set!
And our lamps :)

I tried out mexican gummy bears, I think they are actually panda bears...
They were good!

I skim the pool everyday, and I saved this guy while cleaning the pool, he spent the rest of the day hanging out on the patio.

Then, we ate left over ham and cheese sliders, and made mashed potatoes that are supposed to be like apple bees mashed potatoes.

They took some work, and were ok, but Josh and I agree, they were not worth the effort.

And the Spanish lesson for the day, crema acida is spanish for sour cream :)

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