Monday, June 29, 2015

The Tourist Trap

We got all of our shopping done yesterday and headed out to see the big sites!
Most National Parks have a nice sign you can stand next to and take a picture, some have even added a nice pole for you to put your camera on so you can set up a timer... nope, this the sign. basically on the side of the road and no pull off!

Of course we saw the most famous tree of all.
We also were able to walk through this huge tree!
 Then we wanted to see Moro Rock, and drive through the other tree, sadly the road was closed, so we had to take a bus, Moro rock was a crazy climb, but there were some awesome views!
Then we took the bus past the log you can drive through, it looked a lot like the tree we walked through, and we headed to Crescent Meadow, on our way we saw a black bear with her cub, I said to Josh "I hope that is the only bear we see"
So we got off in Crescent Meadow and began to walk around the path, and we hear this noise as we turn a curve and a BEAR! Josh didn't see it at first, he was looking closer to the path for a squirrel or something, and I was looking about 15ft off the path at this bear digging in a log for bugs, I grabbed Josh's arm, and said, "There is a bear" real calm, Josh replies "What?"  I point again and just say "bear" panic starting to set in. Frozen in place, Josh replies "Oh S#&% Just keep walking"
So at a brisk walk, we walk past the bear, and I took this gem over my shoulder you can see the bear digging in the log over Josh's shoulder, it was a brown bear cub, and never saw us. Please note his panic face.

We made it to our destination safely, although from the bear on I was in super aware mode thinking every noise I heard was for sure another bear! But we made it to Thorpe's log, where he turned a log into a home, it was really quite neat!


  1. Oh man, I can't make out the bear in the photo.

  2. To be fair, it's a little blurry, you can click on the picture to enlarge it. It's the larger darker brown object on top of the log right next to the tree that looks like it's coming out o f Josh's shoulder
