Friday, October 31, 2014


Ladies, let's have a little chat about feminine products.

In the U.S. You can buy them essentially in bulk, which is convenient, you only have to go to the store let's say every couple months or so, and there is a wide variety. 

Now let's go shopping for those in Mexico... You can buy large and small packages of pads, all kinds and varieties. The tampon selection is limited to like 4 options, and the boxes are only boxes of 8.
Really? Is that box of 8 going to get me through a week? I'm thinking no... Really!?!? 8... Come on!

I've really been thinking about Trying out a Diva cup, unless I want to relive my youth in diapers... No thanks. I think this has pushed me over the edge to try it out... It will be better for the environment anyway right?

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