Sunday, November 16, 2014

Day 28

Today we ventured out to some place new.
We went to a park, it looks like they turned an abandoned factory into a park and library. There was a nice baseball field with stands, 2 soccer fields, a skate park, bathrooms, a large picnic area where people were playing chess and a library.
Hard to see, but a small book selection, this seemed to be the non-fiction, some English and some spanish. There was an upstairs that had a computer lab, a few children's books, and some fiction books, a ton in English. But I couldn't figure out if you could check them out or not, there were not barcodes on any of the fiction.

There was this car too...
 We also visited a small local market that was at the park.
There were not as many crafts as I had thought there would be,
But we did eat lunch, they made blue corn quesadilla with potatoes and cheese, and a salad, it was good!
Squishing the ball of corn meal
Putting the fillings in
