Thursday, May 7, 2015

Day 161

As you know I do laundry every Monday.
And I own a ton of laundry baskets...
But this is because I separate my laundry very methodically (thanks for this mom)
In addition to sheets and etc. these are the loads I do
Cold water blues
Warm water blues
Cold water reds
Warm water reds
White t-shirts
Cold water whites

I think that's it...
Do you separate yours into this many loads?

Oh and Mr. Says hi.


  1. No way! I own two laundry baskets. I wash whites, colors, darks separately all in one day and I keep the third load in a heap the floor until the first load is done using a basket. Occasionally I will wash jeans separate from darks but I normally do not have enough. I was sheets on a different day and towels on a different day. Your method blows my mind.

  2. Have you considered getting involved with a local non-profit?

  3. I have thought about volunteer work, and I do hope to get involved eventually, but I don't have a car, and I feel I need to improve my spanish first, there are a couple of libraries around I would love to help out at.
