Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Day 181

I worked on laundry and I cleaned the master bath,
But then I remembered I also needed to pay bills.
When I tried to access my flash drive, it was corrupted. I tried for hours to figure it out, and last week someone stole our credit card information and used it from when we were home at Easter, so I was having a bit of a nervous breakdown.
But thankfully, I had made a copy of everying and left it with my parents, so I only lost a few months worth of data! Phew! 
Here is the guest bed in the office, Mr is testing it out, yes there are actually 2 mattresses, but what were we going to do with the other one until things are set in stone??? And it gives Mr. a good work out every time he wants to jump up there. He makes a little noise like it was hard to jump that high lol.

We also got these popcorn flavor at the grocery store, did you know there were so many options???

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