Saturday, July 25, 2015

Days 231 and 232

Thursday was less than exciting, with ironing and cleaning, I didn't get much else in. I didn't even really work on my ancestry Thursday.
I did enter that my cousin had a baby though.

On Friday I dropped Josh off at work and headed home. I showered and headed out to meet up with some friends. After a bit I decided to go home, because I started to not feel well. I have been having a stuffy nose with the in and out of air conditioning here. So whe. I got home I couldn't stop sneezing, my eyes were puffy I couldn't breath, so I laid down and passed out for 3 hours! Then Josh texted me they were having some trouble at the plant and he would let me know when to pick him up... 10pm rolls around and I finally get the text! What a long day at work for him! At least 14 hours.

Since I wasn't feeling well earlier I didn't hit up the grocery store so we had nothing for dinner, so we had to head out. The restaurant was air conditioned of course, I couldn't stop sneezing and I couldn't breath... It was a terrible dinner. As soon as we walked outside I could breath again. How do I fix this??? I felt like crap again by the time we got home so I told josh there was no way I could sleep in an air conditioned room, and it's been 70s at night, so it's not exactly cool in our house...

Ah, tomorrow is another day :)

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